Three Strategies to Fight Fear and Thrive in 2017
Feb 21, 2017Have you ever felt afraid, yet somehow managed to conquer that fear? It feels great, right?
Fear is one of our most familiar emotions, one that everyone can relate to. Everyone has been afraid of something at some point in their lives. Do you remember being a child and being afraid of the dark? Or monsters? Or waking up afraid you went home and forgot a patient on the table? It is a common experience, something that we all share.
Take Action
Now that we are well into 2017, how do you feel like you’re faring? Are you still inspired and committed to push yourself out of your comfort zone? New Year’s Resolutions like that can be difficult to stick to, mainly because they tend to be vague and undefined. If you feel like you are starting to slip back into old patterns of fear and comfort, try this. Give yourself a resolution that is an action, something that you can actually leave the house and do. Get specific, instead of “I’m going to get over my fear”, make a commitment to a specific action.
- I’m going skydiving!
- I’m going to take a class to be a better speaker
- I am going to hire a coach
- I am going to get a workout partner
The odds of you actually confronting that fear just went way, way up, and you will soon have an experience that you will be able to savor for the rest of your life!

I treasure this photo because on that day, I had a choice. It was a record-breaking rainy day and I was scheduled to go for a sightseeing drive. It was the last thing that I wanted to do. Driving on narrow, winding, sheep-filled roads is harrowing enough when it is sunny, let alone during a rain-storm. Add to that my zero-experience driving on the “wrong” side with the steering wheel in the “wrong” place, well, I was terrified. It would have been far easier to stay inside, warm and comfortable. However, the weather report predicted that there was going to be nothing but rain for days; it was now or never. So, I made a choice. And I chose to not let my fear win.
Embrace the Experience
I had to calm my fears, accept the risk, embrace the awkwardness, and change my perspective. And as evidenced in this photo, all of the beauty, the solitude, and even the sheep made that struggle worth it. I consider that particular comfort zone’s butt kicked!
To really rock 2017 and make it a year to remember, might I suggest planning some smart and calculated risks? Is it possible for you to put yourself in a situation where you will feel uncomfortable and force yourself to change your perspective? If you have fears to conquer, then trust yourself to confront them! That is how you will thrive and make this upcoming year phenomenal!
Power Up
So here is my Power-Up of the day! Stay focused on what you want and always be willing to do whatever it takes. Take action, choose, embrace the experience and this year, make it your mission to go and kick “comfortitis” in the butt!
How do you feel about 2017 so far? Do you feel that you’re fighting against your comfort level? If you would like a free consultation to help you figure out some smart risks to take, please drop me a line! What will you do to thrive this year, share your thoughts below!
You have the power to grow, now harness it,
Dr. Shawn
P.S. I am here to help you. I work with Doctors just like you so you can grow and live a phenomenal life. If you have any questions about coaching and mentoring, my products or services, I would love to help, call me at 949-423-7001